Wednesday 10 February 2010

podcast Evaluation

Hi all!
Here is the info covered in class for the contents of the evaluation. This is in your booklets, but I am guessing some of you have mislaid them...

1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
  • consider HOW you have used the conventions of the genre, eg music, camerawork, etc.
  • in terms of challenging conventions, have you combined genres to work in a hybrid genre?
  • have you incorporated eements from the beginning or the end of the film into the opening sequence? does this go against the conventions of narrative?

2. How does your media product represent particular social groups?

  • consider the sub cultures, ages, genders, class, etc. Are the characters themselves conventional and expected as part of the genre?

3. What kind of media institution might distribute your product and why?

  • think which films fit your chosen genre or sub genre, and investgate the companies involved with production and distribution of the films, then consider if they would be suitable for your product. always go for the British option first!

4. Who would be the audience for your media product?

  • think back to your questionnaires - some of you may have targetted certain age groups as these were your primary target audience. Profile your ideal audience, and remember to put lower and upper age ranges on them. this does not mean people outside of these ages cannot watch your film, just that they are not part of the audience you have targetted specifically!

5. How did you attract/ address your audience?

  • think about any techniques/ elements included specifically for a target audience. consider too age, ethnicity, gender, etc.

6. What have you learned about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

  • what have you learned in terms of technology? think of cameras, edit software, blogging, etc.

7. looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learned in the progression from it to the finished product?

  • here, consider group work, communication skills, time management skills, etc
  • what about how your skills in camera operation and set up? have these improved any?
  • Consider too your knowledge of the rules of filming - 180 degree rule, match on action, etc
  • it is all about your application of knowledge and lessons learned to the end of your major product.
  • don't be afraid to highlight what you need to improve either - your editing skills may be weaker than others, or your time management skills held you back. this is classed as learning, just as much as things you have improved on!

these need to be ready in bullet point form for the first Monday back as i may call on you to be recorded.....

happy holidays!!!

Tuesday 15 December 2009

Blog Expectations

Loads of people have been asking what needs to be on the blog by Friday lunchtime, so here is a full list for you:
  • 3-4 analyses of film openings
  • codes and conventions overview of three genres studied
  • continuity piece write up, storyboard and embedding of video from YouTube
  • questionnaires and summary of results
  • business data for chosen genre
  • thematic and detailed codes and conventions investigation into chosen genre
  • pitch requirements
If you have completed the first draft storyboard and can scan this in, then do so. it will save time after Christmas!

If the work is not completed, then I shall post and record who has not done the work on time, and planning grades will be limited by 5 marks.

Monday 14 December 2009

Friday Groups

For those groups I teach on a Friday, please go to the PC room upstairs in the LRC. I will expect all blogs to be up to date by 12pm Friday, which is the official end of term.

Failure to do so will limit your possible grade, and i will leave comment regarding the status of your blogs, too!

Friday 4 December 2009

The Pitch

As a reminder, this is what you need for Thursday/ Friday (depending on which group you are):

  • 4 ideas outline
  • main story outline in more detail, showing good development and discussion of events leading to final scenes
  • main character outline - you should know them as well as you know yourself. detail personality, likes, dislikes, appearance, job, etc
  • ideas for location to use
  • rough idea of opening sequence structure
  • discussion of how genre can be identified through the opening sequence
this is marked as part of your planning, so make it good!!!

Friday 27 November 2009

YouTube Update...

Hi all
A link to my YouTube channel is now in the 'useful links' section on the left hand side of this page. This should give you easier access to the channel, and your work!

Thursday 26 November 2009

Good link...

When I covered one of Kuldip's classes today, one of his students showed me a link to some good info on UK film viewing (thanks, Edil!!) Check it out - it's in the useful links section.

Tuesday 24 November 2009


Hi all
Have successfully uploaded 3 vids, and will work my way through the rest over the coming weeks (have to do this from home as the college system won't let me). Keep an eye on it, and when yours appears, embed the link. To find me, type MsPaulaNichols into the YouTube search engine and I should come up!