Tuesday 15 December 2009

Blog Expectations

Loads of people have been asking what needs to be on the blog by Friday lunchtime, so here is a full list for you:
  • 3-4 analyses of film openings
  • codes and conventions overview of three genres studied
  • continuity piece write up, storyboard and embedding of video from YouTube
  • questionnaires and summary of results
  • business data for chosen genre
  • thematic and detailed codes and conventions investigation into chosen genre
  • pitch requirements
If you have completed the first draft storyboard and can scan this in, then do so. it will save time after Christmas!

If the work is not completed, then I shall post and record who has not done the work on time, and planning grades will be limited by 5 marks.

Monday 14 December 2009

Friday Groups

For those groups I teach on a Friday, please go to the PC room upstairs in the LRC. I will expect all blogs to be up to date by 12pm Friday, which is the official end of term.

Failure to do so will limit your possible grade, and i will leave comment regarding the status of your blogs, too!

Friday 4 December 2009

The Pitch

As a reminder, this is what you need for Thursday/ Friday (depending on which group you are):

  • 4 ideas outline
  • main story outline in more detail, showing good development and discussion of events leading to final scenes
  • main character outline - you should know them as well as you know yourself. detail personality, likes, dislikes, appearance, job, etc
  • ideas for location to use
  • rough idea of opening sequence structure
  • discussion of how genre can be identified through the opening sequence
this is marked as part of your planning, so make it good!!!

Friday 27 November 2009

YouTube Update...

Hi all
A link to my YouTube channel is now in the 'useful links' section on the left hand side of this page. This should give you easier access to the channel, and your work!

Thursday 26 November 2009

Good link...

When I covered one of Kuldip's classes today, one of his students showed me a link to some good info on UK film viewing (thanks, Edil!!) Check it out - it's in the useful links section.

Tuesday 24 November 2009


Hi all
Have successfully uploaded 3 vids, and will work my way through the rest over the coming weeks (have to do this from home as the college system won't let me). Keep an eye on it, and when yours appears, embed the link. To find me, type MsPaulaNichols into the YouTube search engine and I should come up!

Friday 13 November 2009

this is a tester for uploading of images... in the blog composing section, click on the add image icon (next to the spelling icon) and upload from your PC. you might be limited on the layout but at least it goes on the blog... try it and see...

Friday 6 November 2009

Continuity pieces

Hi all

disappointment and pleasure - that sums up Thursday and Friday. One group has fully completed recording, with the others falling behind. All pieces have to be completed by Friday, else cause for concern notices will be logged and there is possibility of withdrawal from Media if coursework is not completed.

make sure all blogs are updated by the end of next Friday - have the following completed:
* tools for analysis
* discussion of 3 genres
* 4 textual analyses - each 400-500 wds long

I will be checking up on you all...

Wednesday 21 October 2009

Useful Links

Hi all

Below is a link to the BBC which features a series of online courses on how to shoot footage. Some of you may find it quite useful to use, or at least useful to get ideas from! I will keep posting ideas and links for you to investigate...


Tuesday 20 October 2009

Hello all

If you are reading this then you have found my blog site! I will be placing links to ALL of your blogs on this page, so you can dip into each other's work and leave comments. Remember, you must update the blogs on a regular basis in order to give yourselves the best shot at the good grades.

Remember the golden rule - half-baked effort in, half-baked grade out!!!